To the editor: It is time to change California’s recall law. (“Send in the clowns: The recall circus is returning to California,” editorial, March 18)
Currently, only 12% of the number of people who voted in the last statewide election need to sign a recall petition to force a vote. Realistically, this means that a small minority of voters who do not like the governor can force the state to waste vast amounts of money on a popularity contest.
The 12% threshold might have been reasonable in past political environments. But today, expressing displeasure with those who believe differently has become the top priority for many voters. As a result, wasting money on recall elections is deemed an acceptable price for making one’s voice heard.
In consideration of our new political reality, the number of signatures required on a recall petition should be dramatically increased. The governor should face a recall election only if a tidal wave of voters has lost confidence in him and rises up in opposition.
At least 50% of registered voters should have to sign a recall petition before an election is authorized.
Forbes Black, Santa Clarita
To the editor: The “recall circus is returning”? Are you kidding me? Has the Times Editorial Board not noticed the political circus going on this past year in California?
People are losing jobs, are not receiving their unemployment checks, are not able to send their kids to school, and you are writing about the “recall circus”?
As the governor says, let’s meet the moment — by electing a person who can govern us out of this mess.
George Perez, Hacienda Heights
To the editor: Assuming the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom makes it to voters, Californians need to vote in droves to defeat the recall like we did to elect President Biden.
Trying to recall Newsom for his pandemic performance is a head scratcher. California is in the bottom half of states when it comes to COVID-19 infection rates, and we have seen an amazing 40% drop in new infections in the last two weeks.
No matter your subjective feelings about Newsom’s performance, California has done better than most states, and every week more counties are able to open their economies and schools safely. Whether we liked the lockdowns, mandates and restrictions is irrelevant. Newsom followed the recommendations of the epidemiological experts, and his response has saved lives.
The vast majority of Californians will support the governor by defeating the recall effort.
Tom Tyner, Clovis, Calif.
To the editor: Regrettably, the Times Editorial Board is either suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or has an apparent stake in trying to talk people out of exercising their rights when it comes to recalling inept elected officials. I am amazed how The Times has fallen in line with Newsom making the recall about all that it isn’t.
This is not about anything other than Newsom’s incessant ineptitude as governor. This isn’t about Republicans, Democrats or independents. Newsom needs to face the voters and be held accountable to them. I have no expectation as to the party membership of his successor, other than to say that we can do much better than Newsom.
As a person who volunteered considerable time and energy at petition signing booths, I can assure you that the signers were from all across the political spectrum. So many of them thanked us for doing what we were doing, and this was consistent with each weekend that passed.
Chuck Buquet, Rancho Cucamonga
To the editor: I’m not crazy about Newsom, but you’d better believe that I will vote against recalling him one year before he comes up for reelection.
What a ridiculous waste of time and energy.
Renee Leask, Glendale
March 22, 2021 at 05:00PM
It's ridiculously easy to recall a governor in California - Los Angeles Times
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