Replying to Jorge Smirnoff’s letter of Jan. 18: I am greatly offended by you and embarrassed for you for calling my family and me cultists, treasonous America-haters, and ignorant suckers and losers. You have never met us, have no idea of the lives we have lived, the contributions we have made to this country.
My husband came to America at 19; six months later he enlisted in USAF. He did two yours of duty in Vietnam and retired after giving 20 years to his adopted country. He devoted another nine years working for our government overseas as a civilian. I worked and paid my taxes everywhere we went as we raised our kids to be self-sufficient, not dependent on government bailouts. We paid our way; our kids are paying theirs. We know what we have in America, why citizens of other countries are desperate to get here. We appreciate what the U.S. offers, but know we must contribute to receive. We understand why “America First” is necessary in both word and deed.
It’s easy to paint an entire population with one brush, but unwise and unrealistic. I don’t know what your life has been like; I will not judge you. I will sympathize with out, as narrow minds can only do so much. It’s hard to see beyond one’s own nose when one has never had to. I am bewildered at the hatred you spew for a large population, most of which you’ve never met.
— Kathy Steenson, Forest Ranch
The Link LonkJanuary 24, 2021 at 05:01PM
Letter: It’s easy (and wrong) to paint with one brush - Chico Enterprise-Record
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